出 处:《实验室研究与探索》2012年第10期88-90,192,共4页Research and Exploration In Laboratory
基 金:新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程立项A类资助项目(2010JGA055);广西教育科学"十二五"规划立项课题(2011C0076)
摘 要:药学是一门实践性很强的学科,药学实验教学是培养学生创新能力和综合分析能力的重要环节,也是在药学人才培养中具有其他教学形式不可替代的独特作用。针对目前实验室建设中普遍存在的弊端,结合本校药学实验教学中心的实际情况,就如何利用现有资源、充分发挥实验室的特殊作用展开了探讨,从建立特色化实践教学体系、改革实验教学模式、施行实验中心管理体制及实验队伍建设等进行了思考和探索,从而搭建科研开放平台、建立校内外实践教学基地、开展多样化科技实践创新活动。以促进学生自主学习和研究性学习,培养创新思维和创新意识,有利于构建"综合化、多层次"的药学实验教学新体系。Pharmacy is a practical subject. Pharmacy experimental teaching plays an important role in cultivating the students'creativity and overall analytical ability. In view of the current situation and problems in pharmacy experimental centers in universities, some idiographic methods on how to improve the management of open laboratory teaching were introduced based on the practice in the pharmaceutical laboratory in Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities. Besides, the reform of laboratory management system, experimental teaching, examination mode and staff construction were explored. The aim is to construct an open research platform, to establish in- and off-campus practice teaching base and to organize diversified technological innovation activities. One or more innovative protocol(s) were discussed and practiced in parallel by students in groups to build a new pharmacological experimental teaching system, which has the characteristics of being comprehensive and muhilevel. The teaching reform meets the national and social requirements for higher vocational education, and is beneficial for the cultivation of application-oriented talents.
分 类 号:G642.0[文化科学—高等教育学]