出 处:《中国康复理论与实践》2005年第10期841-842,共2页Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
摘 要:目的对粗大运动功能分级系统进行初步的多个评价者间信度研究.方法由5名医生对23例0~12岁的脑性瘫痪儿童采用粗大运动功能分类系统(GMFCS)中文译本独立进行评级,在对所有儿童的评级结束后,分析不一致的原因,制定补充分级说明.结果 5名评级者的分级无显著性差异,GMFCS分级与综合功能评分中的运动、自理相关,分级时如参考制定的分级补充说明可达到更高的一致性.结论 GMFCS中文译本对脑性瘫痪儿童进行分级有较高的一致性.Objective To test the reliability of Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) among different raters. Methods Using the Chinese translation vision of the GMFCS, 5 doctors (raters) determined the level of each cerebral palsy (CP) child (aged 0~12) independently. After finishing classification of all the 23 CP children's level, the reasons of disparities among raters were discussed and analyzed, and the supplementary classification sentences were formulated. Results There was no statistic significant difference in classifications among 5 raters, the GMFCS levels were correlated well with mobility and self-care domain scores in comprehensive function assessment, and higher degree of agreement could be achieved by referring to the supplementary classification sentences while classifying. Conclusion For classifying the level of gross motor function of CP children, Chinese translation vision of the GMFCS has high degree of reliability.
关 键 词:粗大运动功能分级系统 脑性瘫痪 评定
分 类 号:R742.3[医药卫生—神经病学与精神病学]